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Who leases a bike?

Swapfiets is a Dutch company who leases pedal bikes and e-Bikes to consumers for a fixed monthly fee which includes any repairs. The company is so successful that it has expanded to other countries. In this Europe-wide commercial, I play a grumpy, old-fashioned father whose daughter sets him straight about the benefits of leasing a bike.

Imagine Fantastic Film Festival selection

Liquid Hope is a short horror film directed by Laila Fantozzi and has been selected for Imagine Fantastic Film Festival 2022. On her way to a final meeting with her ex, a young woman stops at an isolated bed & breakfast in the countryside. I play Berwin, the strange proprietor of the B&B, whose warped hospitality takes a horrifying turn.

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Know your limits

Use a certified real estate agent if you want to avoid any nasty surprises when buying a house. That’s the message of this commercial for NVM – the Netherlands Association of Real Estate Agents, directed by Bram Koopman. This was a physically and technically challenging shoot. But great fun.

It's that time of year again

“We can’t make it more enjoyable, but we can make it easier,” says the Dutch Tax Office. As the Netherlands prepared its annual tax returns, the Belastingdienst launched a multimedia campaign to guide people to the right sources of information. The next time I have to perform with my arm in a cast, I’m going to send the production team my limb measurements first!

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Jury duty

How Do You Show Your ID? is a series of short online spots directed by Sjors Baarveld that encourage young people to show their ID when buying alcohol. In a talent show set-up, I play a waiter on the jury. Watch for the jump!

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Let's get closer

With the relaxation of social distancing regulations in the Netherlands, life here is starting to return to something like normality. But you still need to show a coronavirus entry pass to get into cafés, restaurants and entertainment venues. Look out for me as a diner at the beginning of this short government commercial directed by Wouter Stoter.

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Netherlands Film Festival selection

English Breakfast is a short film directed by Zoë Kiani and was selected for the Netherlands Film Festival 2021. In 1979, Iranian teenager Majid moves to London to escape the new dictatorial regime. He ends up in a hotel where a serious culture shock awaits him. I play the hotel manager who befriends Majid. I vividly remember the Iranian revolution, which is why I was so happy to be involved in this project.